1st semester reflection

  The quality of my photo's aren't as good as I want them to be. and the quality of my subject matter is not that good either. I do fulfill the assignments as best as I can. I sometimes pay attention to the objective of the assignment but I don't take it further. I do the proper format and resolution for all my assignments. Most of the time I complete my work on time and sometimes I go beyond my first idea.

For effort I actively take photos and I do look for the most convenient subject. I don't put in much effort or planning when taking a photo of something. I don't shoot more than what required and yes I tend to avoid photographic ideas that are difficult. If a shot is too hard I do give up. No, I don't take risk when taking a photograph. Yes. I have a positive attitude when looking at other students work, I enjoy looking at what other people do, No, I don't have a positive attitude toward my own photography

I'm usually on time for class and I don't work throughout the whole block. I do have a plan to work independently and I do stay on task most of the time.

What I'm going to do differently in the 2nd semester is to focus on my work more, improve on taking photographs. Use my class time wisely and finish and turn in all my projects on time. I'll start thinking more creatively on my projects.

A assignment idea is to give everyone a certain color and have them take photographs of that color for a whole week.
